Workshop LQP49
Workshop on Foundations and Constructive Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
We are happy to welcome you to the 49th edition of Local Quantum Physics Workshop Series in Erlangen.
Dates: 7-9 November 2024
Topics: This workshop is dedicated to mathematical quantum physics and more specifically quantum field theory. The topics covered here will hence be concentrated on quantum field theory (on Minkowski space or curved spacetimes, axiomatic, constructive, rigorous, Euclidean versions), as well as more general mathematical quantum physics, operator algebras (in particular, von Neumann algebras and subfactors), quantum information theory, and noncommutative geometry.
Organisers: LQP49 will be run by the LQP@FAU team. This will involve
Ricardo Correa da Silva
Johannes Große
Ian Koot
Gandalf Lechner
Contact: If you want to get notified about news regarding this event, please check this website that will be updated continuously with information on travel, location, funding, schedule, etc. If you have any questions, please write to
Registration: We invite scientists working on these topics to attend and/or present their results at this event. Please register via the form below. Please also indicate whether you would like to give a talk (in this case, please also send title/abstract to or would like to apply for financial support.