
What is Julia?

Julia is an efficient, higher programming language specifically designed for scientific/mathematical purposes.The syntax is pretty close to MATLAB but one will find similarities to other programming languages. Speedwise, Julia is to be found in the area of C and Fortran and thus way more eifficient than Matlab, R or Octave.

First Steps

1. Establish a VPN connection to the university network
A detailed instruction can be found here: https://www.anleitungen.rrze.fau.de/internet-zugang/vpn/.

2. Log into the CIP’s SSH server
Therefore a SSH client is needed, which one might need to install. For Windows sone can use for example PuTTY (https://putty.org/)
To open a SSH connection with PuTTY one needs to enter the following Host-IP and credentials.
Host address:
User name: IDM identification (e.g. ab01cdef)
Password: CIP password (by default identical to IDM password)
Detailed instructions on how to use the SSH connection can be found here. Now you are connected to the CIP server and in a command line window in your home directory.


3. The interactive mode
For starting the interactive mode, start Julia by entering


4. Execute scripts with Julia

For executing scripts these need to be created as textfiles first (e.g. gedit, nano) and can than be executed by:

 >> julia DATEINAME.jl

(Entering into the command line, not julia)

5. Quit julia

Press Ctrl+D for quitting julia


A  more elaborate introduction can be found here:


6. Matlab Syntax

The syntax of julia is similar to the one of Matlab, but they are not identical.
For mediating a Matlab file to julia the webpage:


might help for a first revision, but many things need to be done manually.

For a more comprehensive list see: