25 March: Ian has a new paper out in which he analyzes the relative positions of half-sided modular inclusions of standard subspaces in a common environment space, a situation commonly encountered in quantum field theory.
31 January 2025: Today Justin Gassner successfully defended his MSc thesis “A Local Modular Quantum Energy Inequality for the Scalar Free Field”.Congratulations! 🥳
7-9 November 2024: The 49th edition of the Local Quantum Physics Workshop series takes place in Erlangen. Its schedule and the link to registration can be found here.
6 November 2024: Today Ivan Romualdo de Oliveira defended his PhD thesis “On the Localizability Problem for Relativistic Quantum Systems” in São Paulo. Congratulations! 🥳
30 October: Today Benedikt Wenzel successfully defended his BSc thesis “Spectral Analysis of Transparent Potentials” in Physics. Congratulations! 🥳
02 October: Today Tasarla Deadman successfully defended her PhD thesis “Unitary R-Matrices: Representations of Deformations of the Braid Group Arising From The BMW Algebra And Racks”. Congratulations! 🥳
01 October: From today Ricardo Correa da Silva works as a substitute professor in our department. He will give independent lectures and seminars in the upcoming terms.
16 September 2024: Today Johannes Große successfully defended his MSc thesis “KMS States on Crossed Products by Finite Groups — Twisted KMS Functionals and Operator-Valued States”. Congratulations! 🥳
16 September 2024: In the winter term, we will offer a lecture on operator algebras and operator theory (“functional analysis 2”) that will introduce these subjects to interested students familiar with a typical first course in functional analysis. There are also still some places available in the seminar on functional analysis (Querschnittsmodulseminar). See this website for current and upcoming teaching.
2 August 2024: The final version of our crossing symmetry paper is available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.15763. In this paper we begin a systematic study of crossing symmetry from the point of view of modular theory. It will be published in a memorial volume of Reviews in Mathematical Physics dedicated to the memory of Huzihiro Araki.
15-26 July 2024: These two weeks Luca Giorgetti from the University Tor Vergata in Rome will visit us and give a talk on Crossing Symmetry and Fourier Transforms on July 22.
1-6 July 2024: This week Fernando Lledó from the University Carlos III in Madrid will visit us and give a talk on finite-dimensional approximations in C*-algebras on Thursday.