Preprint Series Applied Mathematics
Preprint-Reihe Angewandte Mathematik
The Preprint Series Angewandte Mathematik of the Department Mathematik is connected to the ISSN 2194-5127 since 2012 (before, from 1998 to 2012, witht the ISSN 1435-5833).
If you, as a member of the department, want to publish your preprint in this series, just send your pdf to S. Kräutle.
- Preprint Nr. 416: A. Prechtel, A. Lieu, M. Phalempin, R.Schulz: Evaluating the effective diffusion in soil columns including biopores by homogenization, 20.12.2022
fulltext: pr416.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 415: S. Zech, R. Schulz, N. Ray: Numerical investigations of degenerate equations for fluid flow and reactive transport in clogging porous media, 28.09.2021
fulltext: pr415.pdf - Preprint Nr. 414: M. Knodel, S. Kräutle, P. Knabner: Global implicit solver for multiphase multicomponent flow in porous media with multiple gas components and general reactions, 17.08.2021
fulltext: pr414.pdf - Preprint Nr. 413: M. Kelm, S. Gärttner, C. Bringedal, B. Flemisch, P. Knabner, N. Ray: Comparison study of phase-field and level-set method for three-phase systems including two minerals, 27.07.2021
fulltext: pr413.pdf - Preprint Nr. 412: S. Zech, T. Ritschel, N. Ray, K. U. Totsche, A. Prechtel: Simulation scenarios evaluating the turnover of organic matter driven by microbial population dynamics at the scale of microaggregates, 23.04.2021
fulltext: pr412.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 411: S. Gärttner, P. Frolkovic̆, P. Knabner, N. Ray: Efficiency of micro-macro models for surface active two-mineral systems, 12.11.2020
fulltext: pr411.pdf - Preprint Nr. 410: N. Ray, R. Schulz: Existence and uniqueness of a flow and transport problem with degenerating hydrodynamic parameters, 08.10.2020
fulltext: pr410.pdf - Preprint Nr. 409: S. Kräutle, J. Hodai, P. Knabner: Robust simulation of mineral precipitation-dissolution problems with variable mineral surface area (version 2020), 29.07.2020
fulltext: pr409.pdf - Preprint Nr. 408: S. Zech, S. Dultz, G. Guggenberger, A. Prechtel, N. Ray: Microaggregation of goethite and illite evaluated by laboratory experiments and mechanistic modeling, 29.05.2020
fulltext: pr408.pdf - Preprint Nr. 407: S. Gärttner, P. Frolkovič, P. Knabner , N. Ray: Efficiency and accuracy of micro-macro models for mineral dissolution/precipitation, 25.02.2020
fulltext: pr407.pdf - Preprint Nr. 406: M. Knodel, S. Kräutle, P. Knabner: Global implicit solver for multiphase multicomponent flow in porous media with multiple gas phases and general reactions, 31.01.2020
fulltext: pr406.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 405: M. Heisig, N. Neuss: Optimization and distributed-memory parallelization of the finite element library Femlisp, 15.04.2019
fulltext: pr405.pdf - Preprint Nr. 404: S. Kräutle: Existence of global solutions of systems of reactive transport equations with mass action kinetics and species-dependent diffusion, 05.04.2019
fulltext: pr404.pdf - Preprint Nr. 403: R. Schulz, N. Ray, S. Zech, A. Rupp, P. Knabner: Beyond Kozeny-Carman: Predicting the permeability in porous media, 20.03.2019
fulltext: pr403.pdf - Preprint Nr. 402: S. Kräutle, J. Hodai, P. Knabner: Robust simulation of mineral precipitation-dissolution problems with variable mineral surface area, 04.03.2019
fulltext: pr402.pdf - Preprint Nr. 401: F. Frank, A. Rupp, D. Kuzmin: Bound-preserving flux limiting schemes for DG discretizations of conservation laws with applications to the Cahn-Hilliard equation, 18.02.2019
fulltext: pr401.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 400: N. Ray, J. Oberlander, P. Frolkovic̆: Numerical investigation of a fully coupled micro-macro model for mineral dissolution and precipitation, 18.12.2018
fulltext: pr400.pdf - Preprint Nr. 399: A. Rupp, K.U. Totsche, A. Prechtel, N. Ray: Discrete-continuum multiphase model for structure formation in soils including electrostatic effects, 28.05.2018
fulltext: pr399.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 398: N. Ray, R. Schulz: Derivation of an effective dispersion model for electroosmotic flow involving free boundaries in a thin strip, 31.05.2017
fulltext: pr398.pdf - Preprint Nr. 397: M. Gahn, M. Neuss-Radu, P. Knabner: Effective transmission conditions for processes through thin heterogeneous layers with nonlinear transmission at the bulk-layer interface, 24.03.2017
fulltext: pr397.pdf - Preprint Nr. 396: M. Gahn, M. Neuss-Radu, P. Knabner: Derivation of effective transmission conditions for domains separated by a membrane for different scaling of membrane diffusivity, 22.03.2017
fulltext: pr396.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 395: N. Ray, R. Schulz, A. Rupp, P. Knabner: Past and present approaches to calculate hydrodynamic parameters in evolving porous media, 16.12.2016
fulltext: pr395.pdf - Preprint Nr. 394: J. Hoffmann, S. Kräutle, P. Knabner: Existence and uniqueness of a global solution for reactive transport with mineral precipitation-dissolution and aquatic reactions in porous media, 15.11.2016
fulltext: pr394.pdf - Preprint Nr. 393: N. Ray, A. Rupp, A. Prechtel: Discrete-continuum continuum multiscale model for transport, biofilm development and solid restructuring in porous media, 26.09.2016
fulltext: pr393.pdf - Preprint Nr. 392: M. Gahn, M. Neuss-Radu: A characterization of relatively compact sets in L^p(Ω, B), 29.04.2016
fulltext: pr392.pdf - Preprint Nr. 391: R. Schulz, P. Knabner: Derivation and analysis of an effective model for biofilm growth in evolving porous media, 08.03.2016
fulltext: pr391.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 390: M. Bischoff, J. Jahn: Economic objectives, uncertainties and decision making in the energy sector, 07.10.2015
fulltext: pr390.pdf - Preprint Nr. 389: E. Bänsch, A. Brenner: A-posteriori estimates for the rotational pressure-correction projection method, 29.05.2015
fulltext: pr389.pdf - Preprint Nr. 388: R. Schulz, N. Ray, F. Frank, H. Mahato, P. Knabner: Strong solvability up to
clogging of an effective diffusion-precipitation model in an evolving porous medium, 06.02.2015
fulltext: pr388.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 387: J. Greifenstein, M. Stingl: Simultaneous material and topology optimization, 21.10.2014
fulltext: pr387.pdf - Preprint Nr. 386: N. Ray, P. Knabner: Upscaling flow and transport in an evolving porous medium with general interaction potentials, 06.10.2014
fulltext: pr386.pdf - Preprint Nr. 385: J. Jahn: Directional derivatives in set optimization with the set less order relation, 08.08.2014
fulltext: pr385.pdf - Preprint Nr. 384: M. Gahn, P. Knabner, M. Neuss-Radu: Homogenization of reaction-diffusion processes in a two-component porous medium with a nonlinear flux condition at the interface, and application to metabolic processes in cells, 09.07.2014
fulltext: pr384.pdf - Preprint Nr. 383: M. Herz, P. Knabner: A thermodynamically consistent model for multicomponent electrolyte solutions, 02.06.2014
fulltext: pr383.pdf - Preprint Nr. 382: M. Herz, P. Knabner: Modeling and simulation of coagulation according to DVLO-theory in a continuum model for electrolyte solutions, 16.05.2014
fulltext: pr382.pdf - Preprint Nr. 381: M. Herz, P. Knabner: Global existence of weak solutions of a model for electrolyte solutions – Part 2: Multicomponent case, 16.05.2014
fulltext: pr381.pdf - Preprint Nr. 380: M. Herz, P. Knabner: Global existence of weak solutions of a model for electrolyte solutions – Part 1: Two-component case, 16.05.2014
fulltext: pr380.pdf - Preprint Nr. 379: O. Krehel, A. Muntean, P. Knabner: Multiscale modeling of colloidal dynamics in porous media: capturing aggregation and deposition effects, 08.05.2014
fulltext: pr379.pdf - Preprint Nr. 378: E. Köbis: Variable ordering structures in set optimization, 06.05.2014
fulltext: pr378.pdf - Preprint Nr. 377: J. Jahn: A derivative-free descent method in set optimization, 08.04.2014
fulltext: pr377.pdf - Preprint Nr. 376: F. Frank, P. Knabner: Convergence analysis of a BDF2 / mixed finite element discretization of a Darcy-Nernst-Planck-Poisson system, 17.01.2014
fulltext: pr376.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 375: M. Herz, P. Knabner: A thermodynamical consistent model for multicomponent electrolyte solutions, 19.12.2013
fulltext: pr375.pdf - Preprint Nr. 374: S. Weller: Variational time discretization for free surface flows, 20.11.2013
fulltext: pr374.pdf - Preprint Nr. 373: M. Herz, P. Knabner: Including van der Waals forces in diffusion-convection equations – modeling, analysis, and numerical simulations, 17.10.2013
fulltext: pr373.pdf - Preprint Nr. 372: H.S. Mahato, M. Böhm: An existence result for a system of coupled semilinear diffusion-reaction equations with flux boundary conditions, 01.10.2013
fulltext: pr372.pdf - Preprint Nr. 371: H.S. Mahato: A homogenization approach to a system of semilinear diffusion-reaction equations in a porous medium, 01.10.2013
fulltext: pr371.pdf - Preprint Nr. 370: C. Basting, D. Kuzmin: Optimal control for mass conservative level set methods, 01.10.2013
fulltext: pr370.pdf - Preprint Nr. 369: M. Bittl, D. Kuzmin, R. Becker: The CG1-DG2 method for convection-diffusion equations in 2D, 24.09.2013
fulltext: pr369.pdf - Preprint Nr. 368: R. Becker, M. Bittl, D. Kuzmin: Analysis of a combined CG1-DG2 method for the transport equation, 12.09.2013
fulltext: pr368.pdf - Preprint Nr. 367: S. Basting, S. Weller: Efficient preconditioning of variational time discretization methods for parabolic partial differential equations, 10.09.2013
fulltext: pr367.pdf - Preprint Nr. 366: J. Jahn: Vectorization in set optimization, 06.03.2013
fulltext: pr366.pdf - Preprint Nr. 365: A.M. Khludnev, G.R. Leugering: On Timoshenko thin elastic inclusions inside elastic bodies, 06.03.2013
fulltext: pr365.pdf - Preprint Nr. 364: F. Brunner, F. Radu, P. Knabner: Analysis of an upwind-mixed hybrid finite element method for transport problems, 01.02.2013
fulltext: pr364.pdf - Preprint Nr. 363: A.M. Khludnev, G.R. Leugering: Delaminated thin elastic inclusions inside elastic bodies, 25.01.2013
fulltext: pr363.pdf - Preprint Nr. 362: S. Basting, R. Prignitz: An interface-fitted subspace projection method for finite element simulations of particulate flows, 18.01.2013
fulltext: pr362.pdf (file size: 7.6 MB)
- Preprint Nr. 361: S. Basting, M. Weismann: A hybrid level set – front tracking finite element approach for fluid-structure interaction and two-phase flow applications, 28.11.2012
fulltext: pr361.pdf (file size: 5.7 MB) - Preprint Nr. 360: R. Prignitz, E. Bänsch: Particulate flows with the subspace projection method, 30.10.2012
fulltext: pr360.pdf - Preprint Nr. 359: M. Herz, N. Ray, P. Knabner: Existence and uniqueness of a global weak solution of a Darcy-Nernst-Planck-Poisson system, 23.10.2012
fulltext: pr359.pdf - Preprint Nr. 358: D. Kuzmin: An optimization-based approach to enforcing mass conservation in level set methods, 11.10.2012
fulltext: pr358.pdf - Preprint Nr. 357: Ch. Basting, D. Kuzmin: A minimization-based finite element formulation for interface-preserving level set reinitialization, 04.10.2012
fulltext: pr357.pdf - Preprint Nr. 356: N. Ray, T. van Noorden, F.A. Radu, W. Friess, P. Knabner: Drug release from
collagen matrices including an evolving microstructure, 04.10.2012
fulltext: pr356.pdf - Preprint Nr. 355: K. Bäumler, E. Bänsch: A subspace projection method for the implementation of interface conditions in a two-phase flow problem, 21.09.2012
fulltext: pr355.pdf - Preprint Nr. 354: S. Kräutle: Existence of solutions of reactive transport problems with mass action kinetics and species-dependent diffusion on large time intervals, 20.04.2012
- Preprint Nr. 353: J. Hoffmann, S. Kräutle, P. Knabner: A general reduction scheme for reactive transport in porous media, 20.04.2012
fulltext: pr353.pdf - Preprint Nr. 352: F. Frank , N. Ray , P. Knabner: Numerical investigation of a homogenized Stokes-Nernst-Planck-Poisson problem, 19.04.2012
fulltext: pr352.pdf (file size: 5.5 MB) - Preprint Nr. 351: N. Ray , T. van Noorden , F. Frank , P. Knabner: Colloid and fluid dynamics in porous media including an evolving microstructure, 05.03.2012
fulltext: pr351.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 350: Serge Kräutle: Existence of global solutions of multicomponent reactive transport problems with mass action kinetics in porous media, 26.09.2011
fulltext: pr350.pdf - Preprint Nr. 349: G. Eichfelder, J. Povh: On the set-semidefinite representation of nonconvex quadratic programs over arbitrary feasible sets, 30.06.2011
fulltext: pr349.pdf - Preprint Nr. 348: G. Eichfelder : Cone-valued maps in optimization, 24.06.2011
fulltext: pr348.pdf - Preprint Nr. 347: F. Brunner, F. A. Radu, M. Bause, P. Knabner : Optimal order convergence of a modified BDM 1 mixed finite element scheme for reactive transport in porous media, 17.06.2011
fulltext: pr347.pdf - Preprint Nr. 346: N. Suciu, S. Attinger, F.A. Radu, C. Vamo , J. Vanderborght, H. Vereecken, P. Knabner: Solute transport in aquifers with evolving scale heterogeneity, 03.06.2011
fulltext: pr346.pdf - Preprint Nr. 345: A. Muntean, T. L. Van Noorden: Corrector estimates for the homogenizationof a locally-periodic medium with areas oflow and high diffusivity, 20.4.2011
fulltext: pr345.pdf - Preprint Nr. 344: N. Ray, Ch. Eck, A. Muntean, P. Knabner: Variable choices of scaling in the homogenization of a Nernst-Planck-Poisson problem, 17.01.2011
fulltext: pr344.pdf - Preprint Nr. 343:T.X.D. Ha, J. Jahn: Properties of Bishop-Phelps cones, 11.01.2011
fulltext: pr343.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 342: G. Eichfelder , J. Povh: On reformulations of nonconvex quadratic programs over convex cones by set-semidefinite constraints, 09.12.2010
fulltext: pr342.pdf - Preprint Nr. 341: J. Jahn, T.X.D. Ha: New order relations in set optimization, 05.07.2010
fulltext: pr341.pdf - Preprint Nr. 340: M. Kaiser, K. Klamroth, A. Thekale: Test examples for nonlinear feasibility problems with expensive functions, 21.06.2010
fulltext: pr340.pdf - Preprint Nr. 339: F.A. Radu, N. Suciu, J. Hoffmann, A. Vogel, O. Kolditz, C-H. Park , S. Attinger: Accuracy of numerical simulations of contaminant transport in heterogeneous aquifers: a comparative study, 17.06.2010
fulltext: pr339.pdf - Preprint Nr. 338: G. Eichfelder , T.X.D. Ha: Optimality conditions for vector optimization problems with variable ordering structures, 31.03.2010
fulltext: pr338.pdf - Preprint Nr. 337: E. Marchand: Combined deterministic-stochastic sensitivity analysis; application to uncertainty analysis, 24.03.2010
fulltext: pr337.pdf - Preprint Nr. 336: M. Prechtel, P. Leiva Ronda, R. Janisch, A. Hartmaier, G. Leugering, P. Steinmann, M. Stingl: Simulation of fracture in heterogeneous elastic materials with cohesive zone models, 08.03.2010
fulltext: pr336.pdf - Preprint Nr. 335: A. M. Khludnev , G. Leugering: Optimal control of cracks in elastic bodies with thin rigid inclusions, 08.03.2010
fulltext: pr335.pdf - Preprint Nr. 334: M. Prechtel, G. Leugering, P. Steinmann, M. Stingl: Towards optimization of crack resistance of composite materials by adjustment of fiber shapes, 01.03.2010
fulltext: pr334.pdf - Preprint Nr. 333: I. Bomze , G. Eichfelder: Copositivity detection by difference-of-convex decomposition and ω-subdivision, 19.01.2010
fulltext: pr333.pdf - Preprint Nr. 332: M. Kaiser, A. Thekale: Solving nonlinear feasibility problems with expensive functions, 11.01.2010
fulltext: pr332.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 331: B. Schmidt , M. Stingl , D. A. Berry , M. Döllinger: Material parameter optimization in a multi-layered vocal fold mode, 24.11.2009
fulltext: pr331.pdf - Preprint Nr. 330: J. Haslinger , G. Leugering , M. Kočvara , M. Stingl: Multidisciplinary free material optimization, 24.11.2009
fulltext: pr330.pdf (file size: 4.7 MB) - Preprint Nr. 329: M. A. Fontelos , G. Grün , S. Jörres: On a phase-field model for electrowetting and other electrokinetic phenomena, 20.11.2009
- Preprint Nr. 328: G. Eichfelder: Vector Optimization with a variable ordering structure, 27.07.2009
fulltext: pr328.pdf - Preprint Nr. 327: A. Khludnev , G. Leugering: On elastic bodies with thin rigid inclusions and cracks, 13.03.2009
fulltext: pr327.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 326: J. Hoffmann: Results of the GdR MoMaS Reactive Transport Benchmark with RICHY2D, 10.11.2008
fulltext: pr326.pdf (file size: 6.2 MB) - Preprint Nr. 325: J. Jahn: Bishop-Phelps Cones in optimization, 23.07.2008
- Preprint Nr. 324: N. Suciu , C. Vamoşs , H. Vereecken , K. Sabelfeld , P. Knabner: Dependence on initial conditions, memory effects, and ergodicity of transport in heterogeneous media, 17.03.2008
fulltext: pr324.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 323: P. Hastreiter , G. Leugering , O. Museyko: A free-discontinuity problem for the registration of images with incomplete information, 12.12.2007
- Preprint Nr. 322: C. Hopfgartner , I. Scholz , M. Gugat , G. Leugering , J. Hornegger: Intensity
based three-dimensional reconstruction with nonlinear optimization, 07.11.2007
fulltext: pr322.pdf - Preprint Nr. 321: O. Museyko , G. Leugering , M. Stiglmayr , K. Klamroth: On the application of
the Monge-Kantorovich problem to image registration, 30.10.2007 - Preprint Nr. 320: G. Eichfelder: Solving nonlinear multiobjective bilevel optimization problems with coupled upper level constraints, 10.10.2007
fulltext: pr320.pdf - Preprint Nr. 319: M. Stingl , M. Kočvara , G. Leugering: Free material optimization with control of the fundamental eigenfrequency, 04.10.2007
fulltext: pr319.pdf - Preprint Nr. 318: J. Jahn , E. Schaller: A global solver for multiobjective nonlinear bilevel optimization problems, 14.09.2007
- Preprint Nr. 317: M. Stingl , M. Kočvara , G. Leugering: A sequential convex semidefinite programming algorithm for multiple-load free material optimization, 10.09.2007
fulltext: pr317.pdf - Preprint Nr. 316: G. Eichfelder, J. Jahn: Set-semidefinite optimization, 10.07.2007
- Preprint Nr. 315: P. Knabner: Open questions and research directions in parameter identification for multicomponent reactive transport in porous media, 02.04.2007
fulltext: pr315.pdf - Preprint Nr. 314: M. Bischoff, K. Dächert: Allocation search methods for a generalized class of location-allocation problems, 26.03.2007
fulltext: pr314.pdf - Preprint Nr. 313: M. Bischoff, K. Klamroth: Two branch & bound methods for a generalized class of location-allocation problems, 06.03.2007
fulltext: pr313.pdf - Preprint Nr. 312: G. Eichfelder: Multiobjective bilevel optimization, 15.01.2007
- Preprint Nr. 311: G. Eichfelder: Scalarizations for adaptively solving multi-objective optimization problems, 20.12.2006
- Preprint Nr. 310: J. Gorski , K. Klamroth , S. Ruzika: Connectedness of efficient solutions in multiple objective combinatorial optimization, 23.11.2006
- Preprint Nr. 309: W. Alt , N. Bräutigam: Discretization of elliptic control problems with time dependent parameters, 08.11.2006
- Preprint Nr. 308: G. Eichfelder: An adaptive scalarization method in multi-objective optimization, 11.10.2006
- Preprint Nr. 307: G. Leugering , K. Klamroth , O. V. Museyko , M. Stiglmayr: Image registration: several approaches involving segmentation, 08.05.2006
- Preprint Nr. 306: S. Kräutle, P. Knabner: A reduction scheme for coupled multicomponent transport-reaction problems in porous media: generalization to problems with heterogeneous equilibrium reactions, 26.07.2005
fulltext: pr306.pdf - Preprint Nr. 305: K. Klamroth, Jørgen Tind: Constrained optimization using multiple objective programming, 09.06.2005
- Preprint Nr. 304: Michael Kočvara, Michael Stingl: On the solution of large-scale SDP problems by the modified barrier method using iterative solvers, 09.02.2005
- Preprint Nr. 303: J. Jahn: Multiobjective search algorithm with subdivision technique, 06.02.2005
- Preprint Nr. 302: S. Kräutle , P. Knabner: A new numerical reduction scheme for fully coupled multi-component transport-reaction problems in porous media, 08.12.2004
fulltext: pr302.pdf - Preprint Nr. 301: B. Pfeiffer , K. Klamroth: A unified model for Weber problems with continuous and network distances, 30.03.2004
- Preprint Nr. 300: M. Kočvara , M. Stingl: Solving nonconvex SDP problems of structural optimization with stability control, 20.02.2004
- Preprint Nr. 299: M. Kočvara , J.V. Outrata: On the modeling and control of delamination processes, 22.10.2003
- Preprint Nr. 298: M. Kočvara , J. Outrata: Optimization problems with equilibrium constraints and their numerical solution, 31.01.2003
- Preprint Nr. 297: M. Kočvara , J. Outrata: Unique reformulation of truss topology design problems, 19.12.2002
- Preprint Nr. 296: K. Klamroth , J. Tind , S. Zust: Integer programming duality in multiple objective programming, 09.10.2002
- Preprint Nr. 295: T.X.D. Ha: Ekeland’s variational principle for a set-valued map involving coderivatives, 16.10.2002
- Preprint Nr. 294: E. Schneid , P. Knabner , F. Radu: A priori estimates for a mixed finite element discretization of the Richards’ equation, 10.10.2002
- Preprint Nr. 293: I. S. Pop , F. Radu , P. Knabner: Mixed finite elements for the Richards’ equation: linearization procedure, 09.10.2002
- Preprint Nr. 292: L. Frieß, K. Klamroth, M. Sprau: A wavefront approach to center location problems with barriers, 12.06.2002
- Preprint Nr. 291: J. Fliege: Gap-free computation of Pareto-points by quadratic scalarizations, 12.06.2002
- Preprint Nr. 290: Michal Kočvara , Michael Stingl: PENNON – A code for convex nonlinear and semidefinite programming, 13.05.2002
- Preprint Nr. 289: T.X.D. Ha: Ekeland’s variational principle for a set-valued map studied
with the set optimization approach, 21.03.2002 - Preprint Nr. 288: Ch. Eck: Analysis and homogenization of a phase field model for binary mixtures, 31.01.2002
- Preprint Nr. 287: J. Jarušek, C. Eck: On the solvability of unilateral dynamic frictional contact problems of isotropic viscoelastic bodies in three and more space dimensions, 21.12.2001
- Preprint Nr. 286: M. Kočvara, M. Stingl: PENNON – A generalized augmented Lagrangian method for semidefinite programming, 05.12.2001
- Preprint Nr. 285: T.X.D. Ha: Optimal solution for set-valued optimization problems: the set optimization approach, 28.11.2001
- Preprint Nr. 284: F.A. Radu, M. Bause, P. Knabner, G.W. Lee, W.C. Friess: Modeling of drug release from collagen matrices, 27.11.2001
- Preprint Nr. 283: S. Bitterlich, P. Knabner: An efficient method for solving an inverse problem for the Richards equation, 22.10.2001
- Preprint Nr. 282: P. Beremlijski, J. Haslinger, M. Kočvara, J. Outrata: Shape optimization in contact problems with Coulomb friction, 17.09.2001
- Preprint Nr. 281: U. Kirsch, M. Kočvara, J. Zowe: Accurate reanalysis of structures by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method, 04.09.2001
- Preprint Nr. 280: P. Knabner, S. Korotov, G. Summ: Conditions for the invertibility of the isoparametric mapping for hexahedral finite elements, 20.04.2001
- Preprint Nr. 279: H.R.E.M. Hörnlein, M. Kočvara, R. Werner: MOPED – An integrated designer tool for material optimization, 27.03.2001
- Preprint Nr. 278: Ch. Eck, P. Knabner, S. Korotov: A two-scale method for the computation of solid-liquid phase transitions with dendritic microstructure, 19.03.2001
- Preprint Nr. 277: M. Bause, P. Knabner: Uniform error analysis for Lagrange-Galerkin approximations of convection-dominated problems, 12.03.2001
- Preprint Nr. 276: M. Bause, J. Heywood, A. Novotny, M. Padula: An iterative scheme for steady compressible viscous flow, modified to treat large potential forces, 07.03.2001
- Preprint Nr. 275: M. Bause: On optimum convergence rates for higher order Navier–Stokes approximations. Part I: Error estimates for the spatial discretization, 24.01.2001
- Preprint Nr. 274: W. Achtziger: Design optimization of structural topology with changing index sets of constraints, 14.09.2000
- Preprint Nr. 273: J. Jarušek: Solvability of a nonlinear thermo–viscoelastic contact problem with small friction and general growth of the heat energy, 13.09.2000
- Preprint Nr. 272: J. Jahn, A. Khan: Derivative rules for contingent epiderivatives, 13.09.2000
- Preprint Nr. 271: Ch. Eck: Existence of solutions to a thermo–viscoelastic contact problem with Coulomb friction and heat radiation, 25.07.2000
- Preprint Nr. 270: M. Bause, P. Knabner: Uniform error analysis for Lagrange–Galerkin approximations of convection-dominated diffusion problems. Part II: Time discretization for rough initial values, error estimates for the spatial discretization and numerical results, 06.07.2000
- Preprint Nr. 269: A. Prechtel, P. Knabner, E. Schneid, K.U. Totsche: Simulation of carrier facilitated transport of Phenanthrene in a multilayer soil column, 03.07.2000
- Preprint Nr. 268: E. Schneid, A. Prechtel, P. Knabner: A comprehensive tool for the simulation of complex reactive transport and flow in soils, 03.07.2000
- Preprint Nr. 267: R. Werner: Free material optimization: The single load case — a FEM-analysis, 19.06.2000
- Preprint Nr. 266: J. Jahn, A. Kirsch, C. Wagner: Optimization of rod antennas of mobile phones, 16.06.2000
- Preprint Nr. 265: A. Hutterer, J. Jahn: Optimization of the location of antennas for treatment planning in hyperthermia, 16.06.2000
- Preprint Nr. 264: J. Jahn: Set-valued optimization: a survey, 16.06.2000
- Preprint Nr. 263: M. Kočvara: Modern optimization algorithms in topology design, 30.05.2000
- Preprint Nr. 262: M. Kočvara, M. Stingl, R. Werner: MOPED User’s Guide — Version 1.02, 18.05.2000
- Preprint Nr. 261: M. Stingl: The penalty/barrier multiplier method for convex programming — User Guide, 03.04.2000
- Preprint Nr. 260: S. Korotov , M. Křı́žek: Acute type refinements of tetrahedral partitions of polyhedral domains, 21.02.2000
- Preprint Nr. 259: J. Zowe, M. Kočvara, J. Outrata, H. Schramm: Bundle trust methods: Fortran codes for nondifferentiable optimization — User’s Guide, 19.01.2000
- Preprint Nr. 258: M. Bause: Scales of ε-uniform a priori estimates for nonstationary convection-dominated diffusion problems, 21.12.1999
- Preprint Nr. 257: M. Bause, P. Knabner: Uniform convergence rates for Eulerian and Lagrangian finite element approximations of convection-dominated diffusion problems, 21.12.1999
- Preprint Nr. 256: M. Bause, P. Knabner: Uniform error analysis for Lagrange–Galerkin approximations of convection-dominated diffusion problems. Part I: A priori analysis in Lagrangian coordinates and optimal-order error estimates for the time discretization, 21.12.1999
- Preprint Nr. 255: F. Hettlich, W. Rundell: Identification of a discontinuous source in the heat equation, 20.12.1999
- Preprint Nr. 254: P. Knabner, Ch. Tapp, K. Thiele: Adaptive finite volume discretization of variable density flows in porous media, 30.11.1999
- Preprint Nr. 253: A. Ben-Tal, F. Jarre, M. Kočvara, A. Nemirovski, J. Zowe: Optimal design of
trusses under a nonconvex global buckling constraint, 15.11.1999 - Preprint Nr. 252: M. Kočvara: On the modelling and solving of the truss design problem with global stability constraints, 15.11.1999
- Preprint Nr. 251: R. Werner: Free material optimization — the single load case, 22.09.1999
- Preprint Nr. 250: S.D. Flåm: Newton’s method without derivatives; approaching equilibrium in parallel, 13.07.1999
- Preprint Nr. 249: J. Mach: Finite element analysis of free material optimization problem, 24.06.1999
- Preprint Nr. 248: W. Achtziger: Numerical truss topology optimization including local buckling condititions, 16.04.1999
- Preprint Nr. 247: P. Knabner, G. Summ: The invertibility of the isoparametric mapping for pyramidal and prismatic finite elements, 16.04.1999
fulltext: pr247.pdf - Preprint Nr. 246: W. Achtziger: On the modelling of local buckling conditions in truss topology optimization, 02.02.1999
- Preprint Nr. 245: W. Achtziger: Numerical optimization including variable–dependent validity of constraints, 15.01.1999
- Preprint Nr. 244: R. Sommer: A nonsmooth approach to robust truss design, 14.01.1999
- Preprint Nr. 243: W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: Computing time-optimal quadratic schedules for affine recurrence equations, 14.12.1998
- Preprint Nr. 242: C. Eck, J. Jarušek: Existence of solutions for the dynamic frictional contact problem of isotropic viscoelastic bodies, 11.12.1998
- Preprint Nr. 241: A.H. Siddiqi, P. Manchanda, M. Kočvara: An iterative two-step algorithm for American option pricing, 23.11.1998
- Preprint Nr. 240: J. Jahn: Basic concepts of vector optimization, 23.10.1998
- Preprint Nr. 239: W. Achtziger: Truss topology optimization including local buckling conditions, Part II: Numerical treatment by sequential linear programming, 23.10.1998
- Preprint Nr. 238: W. Achtziger: Truss topology optimization including local buckling conditions, Part I: Modelling aspects, 23.10.1998
- Preprint Nr. 237: W. Achtziger: On the numerical optimization including variable–dependent constraint indices with an application to truss topology design, 19.10.1998
- Preprint Nr. 236: J. Jarušek , C. Eck: Existence of solutions to a nonlinear coupled thermoviscoelastic contact problem with Coulomb friction, 09.09.1998
- Preprint Nr. 235: W. Achtziger: An introduction to numerical methods of nonsmooth optimization, and some applications in structural optimization, Part II: More tools, bundle methods, applications, exercises, 20.08.1998
- Preprint Nr. 234: W. Achtziger: An introduction to numerical methods of nonsmooth optimization, and some applications in structural optimization, Part I: Nonsmooth problems, difficulties, tools, 20.08.1998
- Preprint Nr. 233: K. Puchta: An interior point method for the topology problem with displacement constraints, 16.07.1998
- Preprint Nr. 232: M.J. de Neef, G. Summ, P. Knabner: Bifurcation analysis and transient simulation of combustion in porous inert media, 08.07.1998
fulltext: pr232a.pdf pr232b.pdf - Preprint Nr. 231: M. Kočvara, J. Zowe: Free material optimization, 22.06.1998
- Preprint Nr. 230: M. Kočvara, J. Zowe, A. Nemirovski: Cascading – an approach to robust material optimization, 22.06.1998
- Preprint Nr. 229: F. Hettlich, W. Rundell: A second degree method for nonlinear ill-posed problems, 12.06.1998
- Preprint Nr. 228: H. Grabmüller, R. Pirner: Two-point boundary value problems for second order nonlinear sandwich type ODE, II, 09.03.1998
- Preprint Nr. 227: H. Grabmüller, R. Pirner: Two-point boundary value problems for second order nonlinear sandwich type ODE, I, 03.03.1998
- Preprint Nr. 226: S.D. Flåm: Looking for an arbitrage, 19.01.1998
- Preprint Nr. 225: F. Jarre, M. Kočvara, J. Zowe: Optimal truss design by interior point methods, 03.11.1997
- Preprint Nr. 224: B.A. Igler, K.U. Totsche, P. Knabner: Unbiased identification of nonlinear sorption characteristics by soil column breakthrough experiments, 16.10.1997
pr224.pdf - Preprint Nr. 223: H. Grabmüller: Rotationally symmetric deformations of partially loaded annular elastic membranes without wrinkling, 21.10.1997
- Preprint Nr. 222: J. Baier, J. Jahn: A note on subdifferentials of set-valued maps, 07.10.1997
- Preprint Nr. 221: B. Igler, P. Knabner: Structural identification of nonlinear coefficient functions in transport processes through porous media, 04.08.1997
pr221.pdf - Preprint Nr. 220: P. Knabner, P. Frolkovič, Ch. Tapp, K. Thiele: Adaptive finite volume discretization of density driven flows in porous media, 04.08.1997
pr220.pdf - Preprint Nr. 219: W. Alt, A. Ben-Tal, M. Kočvara, A. Nemirovski, J. Zowe: Free material design via semidefinite programming: the multiload case with contact conditions, 16.07.1997
- Preprint Nr. 218: S. Häßler, J. Jahn: A game theoretic approach to the optimization of FDDI computer networks, 05.05.1997
- Preprint Nr. 217: G. Y. Chen, J. Jahn: Optimality conditions for set-valued optimization problems, 05.05.1997
- Preprint Nr. 216: J.-J. Rückmann, A. Shapiro: On first order optimality conditions in generalized semi-infinite programming, 05.05.1997
- Preprint Nr. 215: H. Strauß: On interpolation with products of positive definite functions, 05.05.1997
- Preprint Nr. 214: J. Arango, H. Grabmüller: Membranes of revolution under partially vanishing normal load, 11.04.1997
- Preprint Nr. 213: J. Zowe, M. Kočvara, M. P. Bendsøe: Free material optimization via mathematical programming, 03.03.1997
- Preprint Nr. 212: J. V. Outrata: Optimality conditions for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, 19.02.1997
- Preprint Nr. 211: M. Kočvara: Topology optimization with displacement constraints: a bilevel
- programming approach, 05.02.1997
- Preprint Nr. 210: H.Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann: On stability and deformation in semi-infinite optimization, 20.01.1997
- Preprint Nr. 209: L. Angermann: A posteriori error estimates for approximate solutions of nonlinear equations with weakly stable operators, 05.12.1996
- Preprint Nr. 208: A. Götz, J. Jahn: The Lagrange multiplier rule in set-valued optimization, 29.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 207: F. Hettlich, W. Rundell: Recovery of the support of a source term in an elliptic differential equation, 28.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 206: T. Staib: On second order sufficiency conditions and the SQP-method applied to an optimal control problem, 28.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 205: T. Staib: Tikhonov-regularized source estimation for a reaction-diffusion problem, 28.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 204: K.-H. Zimmermann, W. Achtziger: On time optimal implementation of uniform recurrences onto array processors via quadratic programming, 16.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 203: H.Th. Jongen, J.-J. Rückmann: One-parameter-families of feasible sets in semi-infinite optimization, 16.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 202: K.-H. Zimmermann, W. Achtziger: On optimal piecewise linear schedules for LSGP- and LPGS-partitionings of array processors via quadratic programming, 16.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 201: L. Angermann: A finite element method for the numerical solution of convection-dominated anisotropic diffusion equations, 16.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 200: W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: The scheduling problem for recurrence equations: a computational approach via nonsmooth optimization, 16.10.1996
- Preprint Nr. 199: J. Arango, H. Grabmüller: Wrinkle-free deformations of curved circular elastic membranes with an unloaded apex, 04.09.1996
- Preprint Nr. 198: A. Jüschke, J. Jahn, A. Kirsch: A bicriterial optimization problem of antenna design, 02.09.1996
- Preprint Nr. 197: W. Achtziger: Worst case maximum stiffness design for multiply loaded discrete structures. Part II: Optima, perturbation, subdifferentiability, numerical test, 26.08.1996
- Preprint Nr. 196: W. Achtziger: Worst case maximum stiffness design for multiply loaded discrete structures. Part I: Convexity and continuity of minimax-compliance, 26.08.1996
- Preprint Nr. 195: P. Knabner, F. Otto: Solute transport in porous media with equilibrium and non-equilibrium multiple-site adsorption: uniqueness of weak solutions, 19.08.1996
- fulltext: pr295.pdf
- Preprint Nr. 194: J. Jahn, R. Rauh: Contingent epiderivatives and set-valued optimization, 12.08.1996
- Preprint Nr. 193: F. Hettlich, A. Kirsch: Schiffer’s theorem in inverse scattering theory for periodic structures, 19.07.1996
- Preprint Nr. 192: C. J. van Duijn, P. Knabner, R. Schotting: An analysis of crystal dissolution fronts in flows through porous media, Part 2: Incompatible boundary conditions, 01.07.1996
fulltext: pr292.pdf - Preprint Nr. 191: P. Knabner, E. Schneid: Qualitative properties of a model for carrier facilitated groundwater contaminant transport, 21.06.1996
fulltext: pr191.pdf - Preprint Nr. 190: M. Kočvara, M. Zibulevsky, J. Zowe: Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact, 21.06.1996
- Preprint Nr. 189: W. Achtziger: Mathematical approaches to topology optimization of discrete structures: a beginner’s course, 03.06.1996
- Preprint Nr. 188: J. Arango, H. Grabmüller, A. Meisner: Curved annular elastic membranes under partially vanishing surface load, 22.05.1996
- Preprint Nr. 187: J. Zowe: Mathematik und Entwurf mechanischer Strukturen, 07.05.1996
- Preprint Nr. 186: J.W. Barrett, P. Knabner: An improved error bound for a Lagrange Galerkin method for contaminant transport with non-Lipschitzian adsorption kinetics, 27.03.1996
fulltext: pr186.pdf - Preprint Nr. 185: T. Angell, F. Hettlich: Fréchet derivatives of inverse conductive scattering problems and applications, 26.03.1996
- Preprint Nr. 184: F. Hettlich, J. Morgan, O. Scherzer: On the estimation of interfaces from boundary measurements, 20.03.1996
- Preprint Nr. 183: R. Hempfling, B. Igler, H. Kappmeier, P. Knabner, E. Schneid: Trägerbeeinflußter und lösungsvermittelter Transport von Umweltchemikalien in porösen Medien, 20.03.1996
fulltext: pr183.pdf - Preprint Nr. 182: J.W. Barrett, H. Kappmeier, P. Knabner: Lagrange-Galerkin approximation for advection-dominated contaminant transport with nonlinear equilibrium or non-equilibrium
adsorption, 20.03.1996
fulltext: pr182.pdf - Preprint Nr. 181: L. Angermann: Finite-volume schemes as non-conforming Petrov-Galerkin approximations of primal-dual mixed formulations, 14.03.1996
- Preprint Nr. 180: J.W. Barrett, P. Knabner: Analysis and finite element approximation of transport of reactive solutes in porous media, 13.03.1996
fulltext: pr180.pdf - Preprint Nr. 179: T. Staib: Approximation of state constrained semilinear elliptic control problems: theory, algorithms and numerical results, 14.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 178: T. Staib: Control of systems of quasilinear reaction-diffusion equations, 14.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 177: T. Staib: An iterative algorithm for problems of optimal control and parameter estimation of a diffusion process, 14.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 176: J. Zowe, W. Achtziger, H. Hörnlein, M. Kočvara, J. Oberndorfer: Automatisiertes Design von Stabwerken, Bauteilen und Materialien, 30.01.1996
abstract: pr176.pdf - Preprint Nr. 175: M. Kočvara, J.V. Outrata: A nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints, 31.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 174: K.-H. Zimmermann, W. Achtziger: Synthesizing regular arrays from affine recurrences via quadratic and branching parametric linear programming, 30.01.1996
abstract: pr174.pdf - Preprint Nr. 173: F. Jarre, M. Kočvara, J. Zowe: Interior point methods for mechanical design problems, 30.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 172: W. Achtziger, K.-H. Zimmermann: A branching linear programming approach for the mapping of systems of n-dimensional affine recurrences onto k-dimensional systolic arrays, 30.01.1996
abstract: pr172.pdf - Preprint Nr. 171: M. Kočvara, J. Zowe: How mathematics can help in design of mechanical structures, 30.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 170: J.M. Oberndorfer, W. Achtziger, H.R.E.M. Hörnlein: Two approaches for truss topology optimization: a comparison for practical use, 30.01.1996
abstract: pr170.pdf - Preprint Nr. 169: D. Colton, A. Kirsch: A simple method for solving inverse scattering problems in the resonance region, 30.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 168: K.-H. Zimmermann, W. Achtziger: Finding space-time transformations for uniform recurrences via branching parametric linear programming, 30.01.1996
abstract: pr168.pdf - Preprint Nr. 167: B. Szemberg: An acoustic scattering problem for a periodic, inhomogeneous medium, 30.01.1996
- Preprint Nr. 166: H. Grabmüller: Grundlagen der Angewandten Analysis, Vorlesung im Sommersemester 1995, Oktober 1995
- Preprint Nr. 165: L. Angermann: An upwind scheme of finite volume type with reduced crosswind diffusion, Juli 1995
- Preprint Nr. 164: L. Angermann: An introduction to finite volume methods for linear elliptic equations of second order, Februar 1995
- Preprint Nr. 163: P. Knabner, K.U. Totsche, I. Kögel-Knabner: The modeling of solute transport with sorption to mobile and immobile sorbents. Part 2: Model discussion and numerical simulation, 1994
fulltext: pr163.pdf - Preprint Nr. 162: P. Knabner, K.U. Totsche, I. Kögel-Knabner: The modeling of solute transport with sorption to mobile and immobile sorbents. Part 1: Experimental evidence and model development, 1994
fulltext: pr162.pdf - Preprint Nr. 161: P. Knabner, J.W. Barrett, H. Kappmeier: Lagrange-Galerkin approximation of
advection-dominated nonlinear contaminant transport in porous media, 1994
fulltext: pr161.pdf - Preprint Nr. 160: P. Knabner, C.J. van Duijn, S. Hengst: An analysis of crystal dissolutions fronts of flows through porous media. Part I: Compatible boundary conditions, 1994
fulltext: pr160.pdf - Preprint Nr. 159: J.W. Barrett, P. Knabner: Finite element approximation of transport of reactive solutes in porous media. Part 2: Error estimates for equilibrium adsorption processes, 1994
fulltext: pr159.pdf - Preprint Nr. 158: J.W. Barrett, P. Knabner: Finite element approximation of transport of reactive solutes in porous media. Part 1: Error estimates for non-equilibrium adsorption processes, 1994
fulltext: pr158.pdf - Preprint Nr. 157: L. Angermann: Balanced a-posteriori error estimates for finite volume type discretizations of convection-dominated elliptic problems, 1994
- Preprint Nr. 156: H. Grabmüller: Nichtlineare Randwertprobleme gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen – Vorlesung im Sommersemester 1993, Aug. 1993
- Preprint Nr. 155: L. Angermann: On -uniform L ∞ -stability of a FVM-discretization of a singularly perturbed elliptic problem, Dez 1992
- Preprint Nr. 154: A. Beck, H. Grabmüller: On finite displacements of curved annular elastic membranes without wrinkling, Dez 1992
- Preprint Nr. 153: A. Beck, H. Grabmüller: Wrinkle-free solutions in the theory of curved circular membranes, Okt 1992
- Preprint Nr. 152: H. Grabmüller: Mathematik für Ingenieure II (für Informatiker) – SS 1992, 1992
- Preprint Nr. 151: J. Reißinger: A Dirichlet problem for convolution operators in bounded regions, März 1992
- Preprint Nr. 150: J. Reißinger: Boundary conditions in acoustic scattering with respect to the reciprocity relation, Feb. 1992
- Preprint Nr. 149: H. Grabmüller: Mathematik für Ingenieure I (für Informatiker) – WS 1991/92, 1992
- Preprint Nr. 148: L. Angermann: Pseudouniform in convergence of the finite element solution of an elliptic singularly perturbed problem, Dez. 1991
- Preprint Nr. 147: H. Strauß: Uniqueness in linear and semi-infinite optimization, Okt. 1991
- Preprint Nr. 146: H.J. Weinitschke, H. Grabmüller: Recent mathematical results in the nonlinear theory of flat and curved elastic membranes of revolution, Okt. 1991
- Preprint Nr. 145:?
- Preprint Nr. 144: K. Nandakumar, H.J. Weinitschke: A bifurcation study of chemically driven convection, Juli 1991
- Preprint Nr. 143: A. Beck, H. Grabmüller: Wrinkle-free solutions of circular membrane problems, Juli 1991
- Preprint Nr. 142: C.G. Lange, H.J. Weinitschke: Singular perturbations of elliptic problems on domains with small holes, Feb. 1991
- Preprint Nr. 141: S.R. Sankar, K. Nandakumar, H.J. Weinitschke: Mixed-convection heat transfer in horizontal ducts – Part 2. Development of three-dimensional, streamwise periodic flows, Juli 1990
- Preprint Nr. 140: S.R. Sankar, K. Nandakumar, H.J. Weinitschke: Mixed-convection heat transfer in horizontal ducts, part 2: development of three-dimensional streamwise periodic flows, Juli 1990
- Preprint Nr. 139: K. Nandakumar, H.J. Weinitschke: A bifurcation study of mixed-convection heat transfer in horizontal ducts, Juni 1990
- Preprint Nr. 138:M. Dobrowolski: A mixed finite element method for approximating incompressible materials, theory and numerical results, Juli 1990
- Preprint Nr. 137: C.G. Lange, H.J. Weinitschke: Singular perturbation of limit and bifurcation points, Mai 1990
- Preprint Nr. 136: H. Grabmüller: Wrinkling stable solutions in the theory of annular elastic membranes, April 1990
- Preprint Nr. 135: C.G. Lange, H.J. Weinitschke: Singular perturbation of limit points with application to tubular chemical reactors, Jan. 1990
- Preprint Nr. 134: J. Arango: Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions in the nonlinear theory of elastic membranes of revolution under normal surface load, Dez. 1989
- Preprint Nr. 133: H.J. Weinitschke, K. Nandakumar, S.R. Sankar: A bifurcation study of convection heat transfer in porous media, Sep. 1989
- Preprint Nr. 132: H.J. Weinitschke: Stable and unstable axisymmetric solutions for membranes of revolution, Juni 1989
- Preprint Nr. 131: H. Grabmüller: Monotone method for second order differential equations with decreasing nonlinearity and nonlinear boundary conditions, Mai 1988
- Preprint Nr. 130: H. Grabmüller: Positive solutions and monotone methods for second order differential equations with discontinuous nonlinearity and one-sided nonlinear boundary conditions, April 1988
- Preprint Nr. 129: H. Grabmüller: Monotone methods for scalar second order boundary value problems with decreasing discontinuous nonlinearities and applications to annular membrane problems, April 1988
- Preprint Nr. 128: H. Grabmüller, R. Pirner: Existence theorems for some boundary value problems in the nonlinear theory of annular elastic membranes, Okt. 1987
- Preprint Nr. 127: P. Mirsch, H.J. Weinitschke: Thermische Spannungen in Glaskörpern II – Numerische Lösungsverfahren, Vergleich mit Experimenten, April 1987
- Preprint Nr. 126: H. Grabmüller, R. Pirner: Positive solutions of annular elastic membrane problems with finite rotations, Sept. 1986
- Preprint Nr. 125: M. Schäfer: Numerische Lösung von dreidimensionalen Gleichgewichtsproblemen der nichtlinearen inkompressiblen Elastizitätstheorie auf Parallelrechnern, April 1986
- Preprint Nr. 124: H. Grabmüller, E. Novak: Nonlinear boundary value problems for the annular membrane: New results on existence of positive solutions, April 1986
- Preprint Nr. 123: H. Grabmüller, E. Novak: Nonlinear boundary value problems for the annular membrane: A note on uniqueness of positive solutions, April 1986
- Preprint Nr. 122: H.J. Weinitschke: Einführung in die Methoden der Angewandten Mathematik – WS 1985/86, Feb. 1986
- Preprint Nr. 121: E. Novak: On the convergence of interpolated iteration methods, Feb. 1986
- Preprint Nr. 120: H.J. Weinitschke: Elastic strings and membranes: Stages of nonlinearity, März 1985
- Preprint Nr. 119: H. Grabmüller: Nonlinear boundary value problems for the annular membrane: New results on existence and uniqueness of positive solutions, März 1985
- Preprint Nr. 118: B. Kawohl: When are solutions to nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems convex?, März 1985
- Preprint Nr. 117: B. Kawohl: On the location of maxima of the gradient for solutions to quasilinear elliptic problems and an open problem of Saint Venant, März 1985
- Preprint Nr. 116: B. Kawohl: A parabolic maximum principle under nonlocal boundary conditions, Dez. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 115: H. Grabmüller, H.J. Weinitschke: Finite displacements of annular elastic membranes, Dez. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 114: B. Kawohl: More on convex level sets, Okt. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 113: F.Y.M. Wan, H.J. Weinitschke: A boundary layer solution for some nonlinear elastic membrane problems, Okt. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 112: E. Novak, I.K. Rana: On the unsmoothing of functions on the real line, Sep. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 111: B. Kawohl: On rearrangements, symmetrization and maximum principles, Sep. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 110: G. Nürnberger, M. Sommer, H. Strauß: An algorithm for segment approximation, Sep. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 109: B. Kawohl: On starshaped rearrangements and applications, Sep. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 108: E. Novak: Two remarks on the decreasing rearrangement of a function, Juli 1984
- Preprint Nr. 107: E. Novak: Zum Begriff des durchschnittlichen Fehlers von numerischen Verfahren, Juni 1984
- Preprint Nr. 106: F. Wild: On Green’s function for the Helmholtz operator in some unbounded regions, April 1984
- Preprint Nr. 105: H. Grabmüller, U. Hoffmann, K. Schädlich: Periodic control of reactions in a tube reactor, März 1984
- Preprint Nr. 104: E. Novak: Quadrature and widths, Feb. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 103: H. Grabmüller: Cosine families of unbounded operators, Jan. 1984
- Preprint Nr. 102: H.J. Weinitschke: On the calculation of limit and bifurcation points in stability problems of elastic shells, Dez. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 101: H. Grabmüller, H.-K. Schädlich: Periodische Steuerung eines Rohrreaktors im isothermen Betrieb, Dez. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 100: H.J. Weinitschke: Numerical tratment of branching problems for ordinary and partial differential equations, Nov. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 99: H. Strauß: On Tchebycheffian monosplines and approximation by splines with free knots, Okt. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 98: H. Strauß: Comparison theorems for monosplines and best one-sided approximation, Sept. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 97: H. Strauß: Uniqueness of best Chebyshev approximations in spline subspaces, Juni 1983
- Preprint Nr. 96: H. Grabmüller: A note on equimeasurable starshaped rearrangement or “How long is John Miller’s nose?“, Okt. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 95: H.J. Weinitschke: Theorie und Berechnungsgrundlagen für kreisförmige elastische Membranen und dünne Platten, Aug. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 94: P. Misch, H.J. Weinitschke: Thermische Spannungen in Glaskörpern I: Allgemeine Grundgleichungen, ebene und axialsymmetrische Probleme, Aug. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 93: Nummer nicht vergeben oder verschollen
- Preprint Nr. 92: H.J. Weinitschke, M. Knoch: Die Berechnung von Spannungen und Verschiebungen in Kreisplatten und schwach gekrümmten Kugelschalen unter statischem axialsymmetrischen Druck im nichtlinearen Bereich mit dem Programm SEXTRA, Mai 1983
- Preprint Nr. 91: H. Grabmüller: Vorlesung über Integralgleichungen, Aug. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 90: A geometric property of level sets of solutions to semilinear elliptic Dirichlet problems, März 1983
- Preprint Nr. 89: H. Strauß: Monotonicity of quadrature formulae of Gauss type and comparison theorems for monosplines, März 1983
- Preprint Nr. 88: B. Kawohl: When are superharmonic functions concave? Applications to the St. Venant torsion problem and to the fundamental mode of the clamped membrane, März 1983
- Preprint Nr. 87: R. Rannacher: Vorlesungsskriptum Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, Feb. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 86: B. Kawohl: Remark on a fixed point theorem for expanding maps, Jan. 1983
- Preprint Nr. 85: B. Kawohl: Über Maximumprinzipien und Liouvillesätze für quasilineare elliptische Gleichungen und Systeme, Dez. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 84: B. Kawohl: Starshapedness of level sets for the obstacle problem and for the capacitory potential problem, Dez. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 83: H. Strauß: An algorithm for the computation of strict approximations in subspaces of spline functions, Dez. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 82: F. Deutsch, G. Nürnberger: Weakly interpolating subspaces, Dez. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 81: R. Rannacher: Einführung in die Methode der Finiten Elemente, Nov. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 80: R. Rannacher, J. Heywood: Finite element approximation of the nonstationary Navier-Stokes problem, Part II: Stability of solutions and error estimates uniform in time, Okt. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 79: H.J. Weinitschke: Elastic strings under vertical loads, Sep. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 78: H. Grabmüller: A universal solver for the nonlinear elastic circular membrane under uniform load, Okt. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 77: R. Rannacher: Finite element solution of diffusion problems with irregular data, Okt. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 76: H. Strauß: Chebyshev approximations in subspaces of spline functions, Okt. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 75: H. Strauß: Characterization of strict approximations in subspaces of spline functions, Sep. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 74: U. Schmidt, H.J. Weinitschke: Some static problems for the nonlinear elastic string, Sep. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 73: B. Kawohl, R. Rühl: Periodic solutions of nonlinear heat equations under discontinuous boundary conditions, Aug. 1982
- Preprint Nr. 72: M. Sommer: L_p-approximations and Chebyshev approximations in subspaces of spline functions, Mai 1982
- Preprint Nr. 71: G. Nürnberger: Strong unicity constants for spline functions, April 1982
- Preprint Nr. 70: F.Y.M. Wan, H.J. Weinitschke: A boundary layer solution for some nonlinear elastic membrane problems, März 1982
- Preprint Nr. 69: M. Sommer, H. Strauß: Unicity of best one-sided L_1-approximations for certain classes of spline functions, Nov. 1981
- Preprint Nr. 68: G. Nürnberger, D. Braess: Nonuniqueness of best L_p-approximation for generalized convex functions by splines with free knots, Okt. 1981
- Preprint Nr. 67: B. Kawohl: A singular perturbation approach to nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems, Sep. 1981
- Preprint Nr. 66: H. Grabmüller, H.-K. Schädlich: Residence time distribution of plug flow in a finite packed-bed chemical reactor, Juli 1981
- Preprint Nr. 65: B. Kawohl: A comparison theorem for elliptic equations, Juli 1981
- Preprint Nr. 64: M. Sommer, H. Strauß: Unicity of best one-sided L_1-approximations, Juli 1981
- Preprint Nr. 63: B. Kawohl: Über die Existenz schwacher Lösungen für quasilineare elliptische Systeme 2. Ordnung vom Variationstyp, Mai 1981
- Preprint Nr. 62: G. Nürnberger, M. Sommer: A Remez type algorithm for spline functions, April 1981
- Preprint Nr. 61: G. Nürnberger, M. Sommer: Alternation for best spline approximations, April 1981
- Preprint Nr. 60: H.P. Blatt, G. Nürnberger, M. Sommer: A characterization of pointwise-Lipschitz-continuous selections for the metric projection, Feb. 1981
- Preprint Nr. 59: G. Nürnberger, I. Singer: Uniqueness and strong uniqueness of best approximations by spline subspaces and other subspaces, Nov. 1980
- Preprint Nr. 58: M. Sommer: Existence of pointwise-Lipschitz-continuous selections for the metric projection for a class of Z-spaces, Nov. 1980
- Preprint Nr. 57: M. Sommer: Finite dimensional subspaces and alternation, Nov. 1980
- Preprint Nr. 56: H.J. Weinitschke: Die elastische Saite unter vertikaler Belastung, April 1980
- Preprint ohne Nummer: H.J. Weinitschke: Nichtlineare Probleme in der Elastizitätstheorie
- Preprint Nr. 55: J. Dombrowski: A continuity theorem for the stability behaviour of certain integrodifferential equations depending on a parameter, Aug. 1980
- Preprint Nr. 54: H. Strauß: Eindeutigkeit in der L_1-Approximation, März 1980
- Preprint Nr. 53: G. Nürnberger: A local version of Haar’s theorem in approximation theory, Dez. 1979
- Preprint Nr. 52: H. Strauß: Optimal quadrature formulas, April 1979
- Preprint Nr. 51: H. Grabmüller: Hyperbolic integro-differential equations of convolution type, April 1979
- Preprint Nr. 50: H. Grabmüller: A note on linear hyperbolic evolution equations, April 1979
- Preprint Nr. 49: M. Sommer: Continuous selections for the metrix projection, Feb. 1979
- Preprint Nr. 48: H. Strauß: Über Fehlerabschätzungen bei besten Quadraturformeln, Nov. 1978
- Preprint Nr. 47: F. Deutsch, G. Nürnberger, I. Singer: Weak Chebyshev subspaces and alternation, Aug. 1978
- Preprint Nr. 46: G. Nürnberger: Pointwise uniqueness of best approximations for weak Chebyshev systems, Aug. 1978
- Preprint Nr. 45: B. Brosowski, F. Deutsch, G. Nürnberger: Parametric approximation, Juli 1978
- Preprint ohne Nummer: H.J. Weinitschke: Nichtlineare Probleme in der Elastizitätstheorie
- Preprint Nr. 44: H.J. Weinitschke: On axisymmetric deformations of nonlinear elastic membranes, Feb. 1978
- Preprint Nr. 43: G. Nürnberger: Nonexistence of continuous selections for the metric projection, März 1978
- Preprint Nr. 42: M. Sommer: Characterization of continuous selections for the metric projection for generalized splines, März 1978
- Preprint Nr. 41: M. Sommer: Weak Chebyshev spaces and best L_1-approximations, Jan. 1978
- Preprint Nr. 40: M. Sommer: Nonexistence of continuous selections for the metric projection for a class of weak Chebyshev spaces, Jan. 1978
- Preprint Nr. 39: G. Nürnberger: Continuous selections for the metric projection and alternation, Jan. 1978
- Preprint Nr. 38: H. Strauß: Best L_1-approximation, März 1977
- Preprint Nr. 37: H. Strauß: Untersuchungen über Quadraturformeln, Dez. 1977
- Preprint Nr. 36: M. Sommer: Weak Chebyshev spaces and L_1-approximation, Sep. 1977
- Preprint Nr. 35: H. Strauß: Best L_1-approximation, März 1977
- Preprint Nr. 34: M. Sommer: Continuous selections of the metric projection for 1-Chebyshev spaces, Sep. 1976
- Preprint Nr. 33: G. Nürnberger: Unicity and strong unicity in approximation theory, August 1976
- Preprint Nr. 32: M. Sommer: Weak Chebyshev spacesand splines, Sep. 1976
- Preprint Nr. 31: R. Horst: A new branch and bound approach for separable non-convex minimization problem, Juli 1976
- Preprint Nr. 30: R. Horst: Der Satz von Fenchel in der konvexen Optimierung, Juli 1976
- Preprint Nr. 29: M. Sommer, H. Strauß: Eigenschaften von schwach tschebyscheffschen Räumen, März 1976
- Preprint Nr. 28: L. Elsner: Two notes on nonnegative matrices: a characterization of irreducibility, on the simplicity of the Peroron root, Jan. 1976
- Preprint Nr. 27: G. Nürnberger, M. Sommer: Charakterisierung stetiger Schnitte der metrischen Projektion für Splinefunktionen, Nov. 1975
- Preprint Nr. 26: H.P. Blatt, U. Herzfeld, V. Klotz: Ein Approximationsproblem aus der Pharmakokinetik, Nov. 1975
- Preprint Nr. 25: G. Nürnberger, M. Sommer: Stetige Schnitte für die metrische Projektion und Alternanten, Okt. 1975
- Preprint Nr. 24: L. Elsner: Inverse iteration for calculating the spectral radius of a non-negative irreducible matrix, Aug. 1975
- Preprint Nr. 23: H. Strauß: Approximation mit Splinefunktionen und Anwendungen auf die Approximation linearer Funktionale, Juni 1975
- Preprint Nr. 22: H. Strauß: Über ein Momentenproblem und Anwendungen auf Perfektsplines, Mai 1975
- Preprint Nr. 21: L. Elsner: An inclusion set of the eigenvalues of a matrix, April 1975
- Preprint Nr. 20: H. Strauß: Nichtlineare L_1-Approximation, Okt. 1973
- Preprint Nr. 19: H. Strauß: Eindeutigkeit bei der gleichmäßigen Approximation mit tschebyscheffschen Splinefunktionen, Okt. 1973
- Preprint Nr. 18: L. Elsner: Ein Optimierungsproblem der Analysis, Sep. 1973
- Preprint Nr. 17: H.-P. Blatt: Zur Konstruktion einer Minimallösung bei linearer Simultanapproximation, Sep. 1973
- Preprint Nr. 16: L. Elsne, G. Merz: Lineare Punktfunktionale und Hermite-Birkhoff-Interpolation, Juli 1973
- Preprint Nr. 15: G. Meinardus: Über die Norm des Operators der kardinalen Spline-Interpolation, Aug. 1973
- Preprint Nr. 14: H. Strauß: L_1-Approximation mit Spline-Funktionen, Juni 1973
- Preprint Nr. 13: H.-P. Blatt: Stetigkeitseigenschaften von Optimierungsaufgaben und lineare Tschebyscheff-Approximation, Nov. 1972
- Preprint Nr. 12: ?
- Preprint Nr. 11: G. Meinardus, G. Merz: Zur periodischen Spline-Interpolation, Mai 1973
- Preprint Nr. 10: L. Elsner: Einschließungssätze für Eigenwerte gestörter Dreiecksmatrizen, Nov. 1972
- Preprint Nr. 9: G. Merz: Erzeugende Funktionen bei Spline-Interpolation mit äquidistanten Knoten, Aug. 1972
- Preprint Nr. 8: L. Elsner: Quasimonotonie und Ungleichungen in halbgeordneten Räumen, Sep. 1972
- Preprint Nr. 7: H.-P. Blatt: Bemerkungen zu einem Alternantensatz von C. Geiger, Feb. 1972
- Preprint Nr. 6: H.-P. Blatt: Simultanapproximation und Invarianz bei Tschebyscheff-Approximation, Dez. 1971
- Preprint Nr. 5: G. Merz: Über die Interpolationsaufgabe bei natürlichen Polynom-Splines mit äquidistanten Knoten, Okt. 1971
- Preprint Nr. 4: G. Merz: Über die Berechnung von natürlichen Polynom-Splines fünften Grades mit äquidistanten Knoten, Okt. 1971
- Preprint Nr. 3: L. Elsner: Über Birkhoff-Interpolation und Richardson-Extrapolation, Aug. 1971
- Preprint Nr. 2: G. Meinardus: Ein mathematisches Modell digitaler Filter, Aug. 1971
- Preprint Nr. 1: G. Meinardus: Über ein Problem von L. Collatz, April 1971
For most of the preprints, written copies are available:
Two copies at the Deutsche Bibliothek in Frankfurt a.M. , one copy at the Zentralbibliothek der FAU, at the Münchner Staatsbibliothek, at the Technischen Informationsbibliothek (in Hanover), and in the archives of the chairs AM1 and AM2.