Colloquium SS 2025
Speaker: Ricardo Correa da Silva, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg – Invited by G. Lechner
Speaker: Joachim Cuntz, Universität Münster – Invited by K. Li
Abstract: In algebraic topology one can distinguish topological spaces by their homology or cohomology invariants. A compact or locally compact space X is completely described by the algebra of continuous complex-valued functions on X. This algebra is a commutative C*-algebra. C*-algebras are charcterized by the fact that they can be isomorphically represented by bounded operators on Hilbert space. Now, K-theory is a very powerful cohomology theory that can be extended from commutative C*-algebras (locally compact spaces) to arbitrary C*-algebras. In fact in this setting K-theory even becomes more natural and one gains access to a whole new array of techniques and applications. In this talk we will try to explain some of the new methods and applications.
Speaker: Tomoyuki Arakawa, Kyoto University – Invited by P. Fiebig and T. Creutzig
Speaker: Volker Schomerus, Universität Hamburg – Invited by T. Creutzig
Speaker: Magdalena Elena Musat, University of Copenhagen – Invited by K. Li