Chairs and Professorships
Research Groups, Chairs and Professorships at the Department of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Emil Wiedemann
Prof. Dr. Lea Boßmann
Applied Mathematics (Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations)
Applied Mathematics (Continuous Optimization)
Prof. Dr. Michael StinglApplied Mathematics (Modeling and Numerics)
Prof. Dr. Manuel Friedrich
Prof. Dr. Stefan Metzger (Substitute Professor)
Applied Mathematics (Scientific Computing)
Applied Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang AchtzigerDynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
Prof. Dr. Enrique Zuazua Iriondo
Lie-Groups and Representation Theory
Prof. Dr. Catherine Meusburger
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang StummerMathematical Physics and Operator Algebras
Prof. Dr. Hermann Schulz-Baldes
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Correa da Silva (Substitute Professor)
Mathematical Stochastics
Prof. Dr. Torben KrügerRepresentation Theory
Prof. Dr. Thomas Creutzig