Kolloquium: M. Filipkovskaya, Verkin Institute, Ukraine: Qualitative and numerical analysis of differential-algebraic equations, and applications
Qualitative and numerical analysis of differential-algebraic equations, and
Vortragende: Dr. Maria S. Filipkovska, B. Verkin ILTPE of NAS of Ukraine
Einladender: Karl-Hermann Neeb
Differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) or degenerate DEs
appear as mathematical models in control theory, where they are called
descriptor systems, radioelectronics, cybernetics, mechanics, robotics
technology, economics, ecology and chemical kinetics. DAEs are
particularly used in modeling various networks such as gas networks. A
feature of a DAE is that the graphs of its solutions lie in the manifold
which is determined by the algebraic part of the equation. For
time-varying semilinear DAEs, theorems on the global solvability, the
Lagrange and Lyapunov stability and the dissipativity are presented. We
state numerical methods for solving semilinear DAEs and discuss
applications of the obtained results. Certain mathematical models for
electrical circuits with nonlinear and time-varying elements are
considered in detail.
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