Kolloquium: Christian Wieners (KIT Karlsruhe): Efficient and Robust Coupling Methods for Electro-Mechanic Models of the Human Heart

Oct 15
15-10-2024 4:30 PM Uhr bis 5:30 PM Uhr
Hörsaal H13, Cauerstr. 11, 91058 Erlangen

Efficient and Robust Coupling Methods for Electro-Mechanic
Models of the Human Heart – Vortragender: Christian Wieners, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie – Einladende: E. Bänsch und N. Neuss

Abstract: Computational
modeling of the cardiovascular system can help to understand the relevant
mechanisms and help to tailor treatments for heart diseases. We introduce a
fully coupled PDE system for electrophysiology and cardiac mechanics combined
with ODEs of ionic concentrations, the blood pressure in the cardiac chambers
and a model for the circulatory system. The
model is realized in the parallel software system M++, and we show that the
full model for a heart beat is scaling very well on modern HPC systems.