AG Lie-Gruppen: V. Proietti, University of Oslo: Elliott Invariant in a Geometric Context

Nov 04
04-11-2024 2:15 PM Uhr bis 3:45 PM Uhr
Übungsraum Ü2, Cauerstr. 11, Erlangen

Elliott Invariant in
a Geometric Context – Vortragender: Valerio Proietti, University
of Oslo – Einladender: Kang Li

Abstract: Given a class of topological dynamical
systems, we study the associated mapping torus from the point of view of
foliated spaces. By studying the interaction between the leafwise Dirac
operator and the invariant transverse measures, we reframe in a geometric
fashion the Elliott invariant for the crossed product of the dynamical system, and
prove a rigidity result for the mapping torus, lifting leafwise homotopy
equivalences to isomorphism of the noncommutative leaf space. Joint work with
Hao Guo and Hang Wang.