AG Lie-Gruppen: Maria Stella Adamo, Univ. Leipzig

May 04
04-05-2021 2:15 PM Uhr bis 3:45 PM Uhr

On the classification of reflection positive representations for the groups Z and R

Vortragende: Maria Stella Adamo, Universität Leipzig
Veranstalter: Karl-Hermann Neeb

In this talk, we will discuss the classification of reflection positive representations for the triples (Z;N;-idZ) and (R;R+;-idR). The compatibility condition between the representation and the reflection positive Hilbert space is often complicated to fit. For this reason, we tackle the problem from the new perspective of positive Hankel operators, showing that positive Henkel representations for the triples (Z;N;-idZ) and (R;R+;-idR) produce reflection positive representations. This is joint work with K.-H. Neeb, J. Schober.