AG Lie-Gruppen: Christian Bönicke, Univ. of Glasgow

May 23
23-05-2022 2:15 PM Uhr bis 3:45 PM Uhr
Übungsraum Ü2, Cauerstr. 11, Erlangen

Homology and K-theory of ample groupoids

Vortragender: Christian Bönicke, Univ. of Glasgow
Veranstalter: Kang Li


C*-algebras built from certain topological groupoids play an increasingly
important role in the theory. They are not only a rich source of examples, but
additionally provide dynamical models for large abstract classes of C*-algebras.
This talk will focus on the problem of computing the K-theory for groupoid
C*-algebras. In particular, I will give an overview on some recent progress on a
conjecture posed by Hiroki Matui that relates the K-theory of a groupoid
C*-algebra to the homology of the groupoid itself.