Workshop on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Processes in Porous Media
March 05/06 2020 • Erlangen, Germany
On March 5th and 6th 2020 there will be an International Workshop on Recent Developments in Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Processes in Porous Media, organized by the Chair of Applied Mathematics I at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Update! Program online (including pdf with all submitted abstracts), information on diner and registration desk, see below!
The day before, in the afternoon of March 04, 2020, Prof. Dr. Peter Knabner will give his last, valedictory lecture. It will be followed by a meeting of alumni including presentations of mathematicians working in industry: “Math meets reality”. This workshop also follows the celebration of 50 years of applied mathematics at FAU in Erlangen from March, 2 to March, 4. Please see the webpage for more information on this part entitled “Current Trends in Applied Mathematics”.
In the interdisciplinary enterprise of understanding processes in porous media, mathematical modeling at appropriate scales is impossible without further developments in mathematical theory, numerical approximations, and large-scale computational algorithms.
Scientists of varying backgrounds face similar issues in different fields and perspectives. In particular, this workshop enables an enhanced exchange between various branches of applied mathematics with the geosciences, ensures the dissemination of appropriate tools and methods, and fosters useful fundamental research in applied mathematics. These kinds of interactions are needed for meaningful progress in understanding and predicting complex physical phenomena in the geosciences.
Invited Speakers:
“Fronts in two-phase porous media flow: the effects of hysteresis and dynamic capillarity”
“Interfaces in porous media are (almost) everywhere: Do we need multi-scale concepts and strong cooperation between mathematicians and engineers?”
Mario Putti, Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy:
“Numerical L1 optimal transport via gradient flow”
Florin A. Radu, Deparment of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Norway:
“On iterative solvers for nonlinear, coupled problems in porous media”
The program is now available!
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department of Mathematics
Cauerstrasse 11
91058 Erlangen, Germany
All lectures take place in H12.
Registration desk in Übungsraum 4, 1st floor, is open
Wednesday, 15-16h, Thursday 8 – 10h, and 12 -13h, and Friday, 8 – 10h.
Note that we offer free public transport tickets for Thursday and Friday. You may pick them up on Wednesday already.
Information about Erlangen:
The registration fee of 100 Euros includes free coffee breaks and lunch at Thursday and Friday, free transportation tickets in Erlangen, and a conference dinner at Thursday evening, 19:30, at Mein lieber Schwan, Hauptstraße 110, 91054 Erlangen, Map.
For additional information, please contact us via
We recommend to book a room as soon as possible as their are several concurrent events in the area. We have blocked a number of rooms in the following hotels:
– Boutique Hotel Villa-Soy (99€ for a single room, breakfast 9,50€)
– Hotel Mirabell (89€ for a single room incl. breakfast, parking 12€/day)
– A.B. Hotel (varying rates from 35€ to 50€ for single rooms according to length of stay, breakfast 5€ )
Please use the code “Workshop AM” to have access to these reserved rooms.
This workshop is supported by the GRK 2339 „Interfaces, Complex Structures, and Singular Limits in Continuum Mechanics“ funded by the DFG