Hyperbolic Problems in Nürnberg
Hyperbolic Problems in Nürnberg 2025
We are happy to announce the first “Hyperbolic Problems in Nürnberg” Workshop, to be held from September 24 to September 26, 2025, at the Economics Faculty of FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, located in the historic city center of Nürnberg.
We look forward to seeing you in Nürnberg!
The organizers Nicola De Nitti & Emil Wiedemann
and the local organizing team: Josef Demmel, Belinda Echtermeyer, Jule Schindler, Jens Schröder, Stefan Škondrić, and Jutta Zintchenko.
List of Speakers:
Yann Brenier (Paris, France): Solving initial value problems by space-time convex optimization.
Maria Teresa Chiri (Kingston, Ontario, Canada): The duality between scalar conservation laws and measure differential equations.
Giuseppe Maria Coclite (Bari, Italy): Thermo-elastic waves in a model with nonlinear adhesion.
Gianluca Crippa (Basel, Switzerland): Nonlocal continuity equations with BV kernels.
Carlotta Donadello (Besançon, France): Modeling with conservation laws, interfaces, and unilateral constraints on the flux.
Shyam Ghoshal (Bangalore, India): tba
Simone Göttlich (Mannheim, Germany): Traffic models with nonlocal flux.
Sam G. Krupa (Paris, France): Are solutions to the equations of continuum physics unique?
Anna Mazzucato (State College, Pennsylvania, USA): On the Euler equations with inflow and outflow.
Christian Seis (Münster, Germany): Traveling ring-shaped vortex sheets.
Laura Spinolo (Pavia, Italy): On some recent results on nonlocal conservation laws.
Alexis Vasseur (Austin, Texas, USA): Non-uniqueness for continuous solutions to 1D hyperbolic systems.
Christian Zillinger (Karlsruhe, Germany): On (in)stability in magnetohydrodynamics: induction and mixing.
Enrique Zuazua (Erlangen, Germany & Madrid, Spain & Bilbao, Spain): Inverse design for parabolic and hyperbolic problems.
Hyperbolic conservation laws are deeply entrenched in the tradition of classical continuum mechanics, with origins tracing back to the study of gas dynamics by Lord Rayleigh and B. Riemann. Models for incompressible fluid flow, such as the incompressible Euler equations, are closely related to hyperbolic conservation laws and will also be a focus of this workshop. Despite its classical nature, this field has continued to grow in recent years, driven by the introduction of new ideas and techniques and by a wealth of novel applications, e.g., in theoretical biology, collective behavior, and traffic flow.
In this workshop, which will feature 14 invited talks and a poster session, we will explore the interplay between theory and physical applications of hyperbolic conservation laws and related models from an analytic perspective, and highlight a number of topics where recent progress has been particularly significant, and yet the open challenges remain substantial.
Registration is free but mandatory. Financial support is available for select young researchers; to apply, please indicate your interest by selecting the corresponding option in the registration form.