In memory of Karel Tschacher

Mr. Karel Willem Tschacher was born in Landshut on October 5, 1945. He studied mathematics at the Free University of Berlin and received his diploma in 1969. He completed the pedagogical examination for the teaching profession at secondary schools in 1971. He then taught first at grammar schools in Berlin and then changed to the Johannes-Scharrer-Gymnasium in Nuremberg from 1974.

From 1994 to 1998, he was temporarily employed as a subject didactician at the Catholic University of Eichstätt, where he dealt intensively and broadly with the didactics of mathematics for all types of schools. He has published more than a dozen publications in this field, including mathematical games and the use of computers in mathematics lessons. He was also the editor of the didactic journal “Mathematik betrifft uns” published by Bergmoser + Höller, Aachen.

After working at the Catholic University of Eichstätt, he returned to the Johannes-Scharrer-Gymnasium in Nuremberg as director of studies and subject supervisor for mathematics and physics, but returned to the university in the winter semester of 2001/02 and became academic director at the Mathematical Institute of FAU.

Mr. Tschacher retired at the end of Marc 31, 2010. In the following years, he continued to support mathematics in Erlangen and Nuremberg with great dedication and continued to supervise various student programs and events. These included the “Fürther Mathematik Olympiade”, the “Tag der Mathematik” day in cooperation with Siemens and the teachers’ colloquium.

He was also instrumental in the reconstruction of two play landscapes from the Matheland of the School Museum Nuremberg / Museum of Industrial Culture, which have since been firmly anchored in the children’s program of the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften”.

Also worth mentioning is his outstanding commitment to the “Verein zur Förderung der Mathematik in Erlangen” (Association for the Promotion of Mathematics in Erlangen), which he organized for many years as a member of the association’s board.

Karel Tschacher died after a short, serious illness on October 05, 2020.